Across the country, many children learning are at home due to school closures and recommendations for social distancing in the wake of the coronavirus. But with nowhere to go and your child’s education pausing, what can you still travel with them? Well, your child’s education and your travel plans do not have to pause during this time.
Even though you’re at home as we fight to contain the coronavirus and flatten the curve, you can experience some neat and amazing museums, zoos, and other places with a virtual experience.
Many sightseeing locations have opened their virtual doors to give parents something educational to do with their children. Organizations and Educators have come together during this difficult time to offer resources to help parents keep their children learning while out of school. You’ll find many different resources and age-appropriate activities for free throughout the internet.
So here’s a guide to making preschool learning and virtual field trips at home easy and seamless for you.
Make a plan to plan out the virtual field trips you’ll be doing with your child each day and how to integrate that education with the work you might need to do from home for your employer.
- Houston Zoo live animal cameras
- The Great Wall of China
- Boston Childrens Museum
- Here are some tips to safely Host a holiday gathering:
- Host Virtual Celebration-if you’re far from family and friends or looking for new ways to connect during the Covid-19 outbreak, hosting an online party is a way to stay connected. FaceTime, ZOOM, Skype, or otherwise videoconference with family members. Explain to your child that digital communication instead of seeing friends and family in person right now can help prevent getting other people sick. Get everyone excited with an invitation and plan intentionally a