Ribbon cutting outdoor gardens at YIA WG

Young Innovators Academy will host a ribbon cutting and grand opening of the new outdoor classroom

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Our new Outdoor classroom in Winter Garden allows children to learn in an engaging way. It also provides them with the opportunity to spend time connecting with nature. When educators can tie outdoor play to preschool learning objectives, children can learn in an engaging way. Simultaneously, they spend time connecting with nature. The ribbon cutting ceremony will take place October 28 at 10 am during the school’s fall event.
“In the age of technology and virtual connectivity,” said Marnie Forestieri, CEO of Young Innovators, “it is crucial that we understand the immense benefits that outdoor learning environments offer to our children’s education.”
has shown that outdoor environments allow students to make curious observations and provide hands-on learning involving all the senses.”

Welcom to The garden outdoor gardens

The new outdoor classroom in Winter Garden offers young children the opportunity to connect with nature. “When students are surrounded by the outdoors, they witness natural processes firsthand. Direct observation becomes the first step in becoming a ‘natural scientist’.” The Young Innovators outdoor curriculum offers children the opportunity to engage all their senses to explore nature.
They can delight in the small things enlarged by a microscope. Additionally, they can use binoculars to view birds and engage in activities like gardening or building a fort with sticks. “ We are excited to open our new outdoor classroom for adventures to allow our young innovators to watch, wonder and manipulate aspects of their experience to see what happens. Says Tytiana Watson, director at the Winter Garden location”. Students entering the workforce will have to be ready for a constantly evolving job market because it demands adaptability and continuous learning.
In order to thrive in a world of constant change, students entering the workforce must exhibit self-direction, creativity, and independence. The Young Innovators curriculum taps into a child’s natural abilities as an innovator to preserve the creative confidence of the early years. Young Innovators Academy is a company built for educators by educators,  providing childcare professionals with career and ownership opportunities to give women in the industry the respect they deserve.” 

Visit us at younginnovatorsacademy.com/locations/winter-garden/

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