Young Innovators Academy® opens a second location in Fishhawk, FL

Young Innovators Academy, an early learning company on a mission to empower young learners to meet the challenges of an uncertain future, is pleased to announce the opening of a preschool servicing Fish hawk and nearby communities.
How to Teach children how to make friends

How to teach children how to make friends in preschool is an important life school. From a young age, it’s been fun to watch my son interact with other children and make friends. It starts with smiling and laughing when other people look at your child. And as they grow up, it becomes a bit […]
Interdisciplinary Activity: DIY Flower Platers

Activities for Preschool at Home DIY Planters out of Recycled Materials Interdisciplinary curriculum offer children the opportunity to meet the needs of different learners and get ready for formal school. Parents can encourage multi disciplinary learning by talking with children about their questions and by interacting with children when they are participating in different […]
Activities for Preschool at Home: Interdisciplinary Experiences

Activities for Preschool at Home Interdisciplinary Lesson Plans to Prepare your Child for School Activities for preschool at home provide interdisciplinary experiences, offering children the opportunity to meet the needs of different learners. Consequently, these activities help them get ready for formal school. Parents can encourage multi disciplinary learning by talking with children about their […]
What is the best preschool curriculum for your child?

What is the best preschool curriculum for your child? Preschool curriculum must be fun to learn, but also fun to teach! This is one of the topics we discuss in the last episode of Procare Software podcast we sit down with Ryan Gwaltney. In this podcast, we thoroughly explore the significance to our founder of […]
STEAM Learning at Home Activities STEAM Learning at Home Activities helps parents transform an ordinary day into an extraordinary one. STEM learning concepts do not have to be intimidating. You just need to gather a few materials around the house to learn fun facts about basic engineering concepts and the basics of optics with a DYI binocular activity. What you’ll […]
Mixing Primary Colors Is your child ready for kindergarten? School readiness is a term that can be intimidated. Many U.S. schools use testing before or during the first few months of and used to assess a child’s readiness for formal school. So, what can we do to get children ready for the transition? One way is to […]
At Home Activities STEAM Learning At Home helps parents transform an ordinary day into an extraordinary one. STEM learning concepts do not have to be intimidating. You just need to gather a few materials to spark your child’s interest in the science behind the fun. You’ll just need: Mentos and Diet Coke This simple STEM Learning at home […]
Tech-fueled Summer Camp Experience

Innovation is a way of learning at Young Innovators. Our Tech fueled summer camp experience is a perfect blend of digital and physical stimuli. Indeed, Young Innovators Academy and Valtech are taking our summer camp curriculum to the next level. They are introducing a unique blend of awe-inspiring wilderness adventures and tech-fueled scavenger hunt expeditions. […]
Childcare Franchise with a new approach to education

Childcare Franchise on a mission to empower young minds Since the beginning, the school’s vision has motivated it to transform early childhood education, earning national recognition for its success. Children born into the 21st century do not remember a time before smartphones, the Internet, and video chats. They are accustomed to connecting with their grandparents […]